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Neston High School

Sixth Form Open Evening

Neston Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on Thursday 7th November. Doors will open to families at 5:00pm and the event will finish at 7:30pm. 
We would like to invite all year 11 students, parents and carers from Neston and other local schools into Neston High School to experience our fantastic Sixth Form facilities. Each department area will be showcasing the courses on offer and will be able to give advice and answer questions regarding their subjects. There will be a number of live talks from the Director of Sixth Form who will outline the opportunities and care we offer at Neston Sixth Form.  
If you are unable to attend the open evening but would like to come for a tour of the facilities, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Burton on

Online Prospectus


We were impressed with how positive, approachable and supportive each teacher was, especially at the end of a very long day for them. 

Parent (regarding Parents' Evening)


Pupils behave well around the large school site. Sixth-form students enjoy their own spacious study and dining areas.

Ofsted Report 2022


There is a strong safeguarding culture across the school.

Ofsted Report 2022


Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are proud to be part of Neston High School.

Ofsted Report 2022
