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Please use the Section Menu to learn more about specific parts of our curriculum areas.

The Curriculum at Neston High school encompasses every aspect of a young person’s learning from personal well-being, social skills and health to subject areas that promote strong academic rigour practical, and a whole range of more practical and applied courses that equip our students for life beyond school.

Increasingly, our curriculum is not restricted to the school day, nor indeed the school building. Our recent national award which recognised our extensive Learning Outside The Classroom (LOTC) programmes. As such, our school’s curriculum covers much more than the subjects on the timetable followed by the students; it covers all the planned activities in which students are involved; activities in classrooms, laboratories, workshops, the library, the sports hall, during educational visits and residential courses.

A central tenet of our curriculum is that all students have a right to immerse themselves in studies that takes full account of their potential and capability. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced entitlement curriculum whereby, increasingly, students acquire the skills, knowledge, concepts and understanding to develop their full potential, whilst at school and as adults.

All students will focus upon the specific skills of numeracy, literacy, information technology, communication, physical coordination, logical thought, problem solving, information skills, experimentation, empathy and interpretation - as well as social skills such as working with others.


In line with our core values, Neston High aims to: 

  • To offer high quality education
  • To foster a love of learning
  • To engender a strong sense of shared responsibility and mutual respect
  • To develop self worth and confidence
  • To recognise we are an integral part of the community

We provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for their learning, for themselves and others; to take initiative, to be involved in team work; to be generous of time and spirit.

Full details of how learning is planned for all subject can be found in the curriculum policy and subject plans. 
