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Year 10 Work Experience 2025

Year 10 work experience will run from Monday 7th July to Friday 11th July 2025. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to work in an environment which they might be interested in for the future. It will also allow them to begin to understand the world of work. Students have been told the details through an assembly and have been issued with a self-placement form. There are two types of placements that are available to your child. Self-placement and Backup-placement:  


These placements are selected and organised by yourselves and your child. We strongly advise you look to find the placement, as this not only guarantees a higher success rate for engagement on the placement, but also provides a greater chance that it is in an area of interest and in an accessible location. A self-placement approach also provides an opportunity for students to seek out their own work experience, practicing the skills needed when job hunting, and exploring jobs that are out there.  

The process for self-placement is as follows:

  • Students who are self-placing will need to fill out a self-placement form
  • Have the employer to fill in the employer section. The employer will need to pay close attention to the insurance requirements and ensure the insurance policy number is correct.
  • Ensure the self-placement form is signed by the child, employer, and parent/guardian
  • The completed form will then be returned to myself or your child form tutor in school.
  • Deadline for self-placement forms: Friday 12th January 2025

We work closely with a company called MPLOY, who will then carry out safety checks for the placement, ensuring we are satisfied the student will be safe throughout the week and that a suitable work plan is created for them.

To aid our pupils in finding a placement in an area that aligns with their passions and interests we are also providing a searchable list of placements previous Neston pupils have completed. This can be downloaded from the following link as well as on the Y10 Microsoft teams page which your child can access using their school login details. We would like students to use this as inspiration when searching for placements.

Please fill in this following form to complete a self-placement

Back-up placement

These placements are selected and organised by the school in partnership with Mploy. The placements arranged by Mploy are spread across the Wirral and Cheshire in a variety of suitable settings. This needs to be considered as in the past students have struggled with finding suitable transport to these placements. It is also worth considering that students may not get a placement in an area of work they are interested in.

Due to the complexity of organising these placements, once they have been allocated, they cannot be changed.

You will be able to monitor the progress of your child’s placement using an online system called MAPS. This will provide all the details of the placement including address, contact of responsible person and contact details. Pupils will be assigned logins prior to placement allocation, and I will be in further contact about logging onto the MAPS system in the future.

If you need any help or have questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on the following email:


We were impressed with how positive, approachable and supportive each teacher was, especially at the end of a very long day for them. 

Parent (regarding Parents' Evening)


Pupils behave well around the large school site. Sixth-form students enjoy their own spacious study and dining areas.

Ofsted Report 2022


There is a strong safeguarding culture across the school.

Ofsted Report 2022


Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are proud to be part of Neston High School.

Ofsted Report 2022
