Throughout their time at Neston, all our pupils acquire a detailed understanding of the world of work and how to develop the necessary skills to be a successful citizen. Pupils have various employer encounters, engage with careers activities both in class and online and attend talks from a range of guest speakers.
Key Stage 3
Pupils start to gain an awareness of careers right from when they join us in Year 7.
Weekly tutor time activities align to the Gatsby Benchmarks and provide an insight into different aspects of the world of work, such as challenging stereotypes, providing local market information, and developing transferable skills.
Pupils also participate in National Careers Week, Green Careers Week and receive PSHE time dedicated to careers.
A range of guest speakers throughout the year inform pupils about opportunities beyond school, such as apprenticeships and further education.
All pupils have access to Unifrog to engage with online careers resources and to support pupils to develop an awareness of their strengths and potential careers choices.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4, pupils continue to engage with weekly tutor-time careers activities, which are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks. There is a focus on making informed post-16 choices and raising awareness of all options available to pupils.
As in Key Stage 3, pupils also participate in National Careers Week, Green Careers Week and have PSHE time dedicated to careers.
All pupils access Unifrog to engage with online careers resources and to support them in their careerdecisions.
Additionally, all Year 10 pupils gain first-hand experience of a work place when they complete a week’s work experience in the summer term. Following this, pupils have a further encounter with local employers when they take part in a mock interview process.
Year 11 pupils receive personal careers guidance from experienced careers advisors from either Mploy or the Young People’s Service.
Key Stage 5
Our Key Stage 5 careers programme builds upon the work carried out in earlier key stages.
Sixth formers continue to engage with weekly tutor-time careers activities, which are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks. Key topics include the transition to sixth form study and development of skills such as time-management, decision making and independence. Sixth formers also gain a detailed understanding of the post-eighteen opportunities available to them.
As in Key Stage 3, sixth formers are also encouraged to participate in National Careers Week, Green Careers Week and they participate in PSHE lessons dedicated to careers.
All sixth formers regularly access to Unifrog to engage with online careers resources and to support them along their careers journey.
All Year 12s receive individual careers guidance from experienced careers advisors from Mploy. They gain additional experience of the workplace when they undertake work experience in the summer term of Year 12. This is followed by a mock interview process with local employers. There is also the chance to go on university visits and attend apprentice fairs.