Beyond the Classroom
Learning is not confined to the weekly timetable
Students' at Neston High School can Discover new interests in lunchtime clubs, Explore our wider community on a school trip, or Dream big listening to an afterschool inspirational speaker.
Neston High School provides a vast array of opportunities for students to learn both in and outside the classroom in numerous ways including: working in the school grounds, international links and visits, our school clubs programme, enrichment week and via fundraising activities held during the year.
Learning outside the classroom
The school has national recognition for Learning Outside the Classroom Award, as well as being chosen by HMI as an example of excellence for our work. “It is (Neston’s) vision, commitment and tireless efforts to find new and creative ways to inspire their pupils that will ensure the next generation of young people will be brighter, happier young adults with greater aspirations and a better understanding of the world around them.” Ofsted Good Practice report.
School clubs programme
takes place from 3-4pm each day.
Students are able to choose from a varied programme of activities ranging from sport, music, dance and drama to extra support for curriculum based subjects, homework and coursework, John Muir Award, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Activities are also held at lunch time and include activities such as, Samba Band, Pop Choir, Only 7s Aloud, Junior Band, Senior Band, Fortissimo Strings, Saxophone Ensemble, Guitar Club, Art, Seekers (R.E.), Drama, Homework Club, ICT, Science Club (called STEM) and Board Games.
International Links
The school holds an advanced International Schools Award. As well as curriculum-based work, the school organises exchanges with schools in France, Germany and South Africa as well as educational visits to Paris, Berlin, Madrid, CERN, skiing in the USA, the Battlefields and Italy. The school collaborates with partner schools in France, Germany, South Africa and China.
Enrichment Week
Our annual Enrichment Week sees students undertaking a wide range of activities, trips and courses. Year 7 students have the opportunity to undertake a camping experience, Year 10 students go on a block work experience placement, whilst Years 8 and 9 take part in International Day, sports challenges, visits to Chester Zoo and Alton Towers as well as two-day courses ranging from Samba drumming, tennis, football to mountain biking, bushcraft and working with the Rangers.
When visits are arranged parents are invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost. The school operates Tucasi, which allows parents to make payments for trips/visits through a secure internet site ( There is a link from the school website. Each parent will receive a unique password and access codes to enable them to use this facility.
Music, like language, is a fundamental part of human existence and of the societies in which we live.
The opportunity to learn to play an instrument enables children to participate in an activity which many will find to be one of the most formative experiences they have as they grow up, developing an interest and a skill which opens up so many possibilities now and in later life.
We organise instrumental tuition in partnership with ‘Music for Life’. Lessons are organised for most musical instruments including singing. Students are encouraged to take the examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and we are a designated RSM exams centre.