Transition 2024
The transition from primary to secondary school is a very exciting time but can be an unsettled time too. At Neston High School, we strive to make this move as smooth as possible.
Following your place allocation in March, you will receive a welcome message and from here on regular communication from us via e mail and our school website.
Your child and their Year 6 teacher will meet our Transition Team in their primary school setting and may be visited by some of our student ambassadors who will be able to talk about life at high school and answer any questions.
Our Induction Day for students and Induction Evening for parents take place in July, when students (during the day) and parents (in the evening) come into school to familiarise themselves with key staff who will support them during their time at Neston High School.
Our Induction Day is when your child will spend time getting to know their Form Tutor and the other members of their form. They will also attend some ‘taster’ lessons to get a better idea of what it is like in the high school classroom.
Other transition events follow as your child moves through the school; for example the Y7 Information Evening and Parents’ Evening.
Some young people join Neston High School part way through an academic year via the in-year transfer process. Please see the Admissions pages of the Cheshire West and Chester website for more information. In these circumstances, a personalised transition process for your child will be organised by our Pastoral Team.
At Neston, we pride ourselves on our high-quality care of our students. We are a truly comprehensive school and will make it our priority to give your child the best education and experiences possible at Neston High School.
For any queries about Transition please contact us via
Key Dates
Friday 28th June 9:30am – 10:45am - New Parents Coffee Morning
Thursday 4th July 8:30am - 2:45pm - Induction Day for Students
Thursday 4th July 6:00pm - 7:30pm - Induction Evening for Parents
Monday 19th August - Wednesday 21st August - Passport to Neston
Induction Day for Students
Thursday 4th July 8:30am - 2:45pm
Please arrive at school from 8.30 a.m. using the lower car park for parking if needed. Bring a water bottle and come in your primary school uniform. A meal deal lunch will be available: chicken curry/pasta or pizza and a cake for £2.60. Bring extra money if you wish to buy a drink.
Induction Evening for Parents
Thursday 4th July 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Please use the lower car park for parking if needed. Arrive via our main entrance, sign in and go to Bushell Hall. (Please note, we cannot host children at this event)