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Neston High School

Supporting Progress and Rewarding Achievement

Monitoring Student Progress

We carefully monitor the progress of all students and work with them individually to help them meet and exceed their achievement targets. This involves regular monitoring, target setting, and reviews.

Support Offered:
  • Individual tuition or small group work
  • In-class support
  • Resource area for student use
Mentoring and Extra Learning

We have a student mentoring scheme to boost confidence and support revision, especially for those studying for exams. Support sessions are part of our eXL (extra learning) programme.

Celebrating Achievements

We celebrate achievements at each key stage through:

  • Awards Evenings
  • Special assemblies
  • Rewards trips
  • Celebration events

In daily classroom practice, students are rewarded through our points system for good effort, attitude, and performance. This helps us monitor progress and encourage healthy competition. Parents can log in to view staff comments and their child's progress.


Students are tracked carefully in all subjects and set challenging targets. We ensure continuous communication between school and home, keeping parents informed about their child’s performance, progress, and areas for improvement.

Parents Evenings

Parents are invited to Progress Evenings annually to meet with their child's subject teachers. These evenings are well attended and valued for sharing information about progress, attainment, and behavior.  The school is happy to respond to parental queries about their child's progress throughout the year.


We were impressed with how positive, approachable and supportive each teacher was, especially at the end of a very long day for them. 

Parent (regarding Parents' Evening)


Pupils behave well around the large school site. Sixth-form students enjoy their own spacious study and dining areas.

Ofsted Report 2022


There is a strong safeguarding culture across the school.

Ofsted Report 2022


Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are proud to be part of Neston High School.

Ofsted Report 2022
